Roofing Ridges


74 items

Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Slate Grey 30

Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Slate Grey 30

Est. £4.10 - £4.56  + VAT
Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Tudor Brown 36

Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Tudor Brown 36

Est. £2.88 - £3.75  + VAT
Timloc 54700 6M Roll Out Dry Fix Ventilated Ridge Pack Black

Timloc 54700 6M Roll Out Dry Fix Ventilated Ridge Pack Black

Est. £26.78 - £29.76  + VAT
Marley Segmental Ridge Smooth Grey 28

Marley Segmental Ridge Smooth Grey 28

Est. £3.17 - £3.52  + VAT
Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Rustic Red 78

Redland Concrete Half Round Ridge - Rustic Red 78

Est. £6.04 - £6.72  + VAT
Alltype Universal Concrete Angle Ridge Graphite

Alltype Universal Concrete Angle Ridge Graphite

Est. £7.18 - £7.97  + VAT
Silicone Lead Gutter Seal in Grey - 310ml Cartridge

Silicone Lead Gutter Seal in Grey - 310ml Cartridge

Est. £3.60 - £4.32  + VAT
Marley Modern Concrete Ridge - Smooth Grey 28

Marley Modern Concrete Ridge - Smooth Grey 28

Est. £3.31 - £3.68  + VAT
Redland Universal Angle Ridge 030 Slate Grey

Redland Universal Angle Ridge 030 Slate Grey

Est. £3.96 - £4.13  + VAT
Redland Rosemary Half Round Ridge Red 80

Redland Rosemary Half Round Ridge Red 80

Est. £6.04 - £6.71  + VAT
Redland Concrete Half Round Baby Ridge - Slate Grey 30

Redland Concrete Half Round Baby Ridge - Slate Grey 30

Est. £3.78 - £4.32  + VAT
Marley Segmental Ridge Old English Dark Red

Marley Segmental Ridge Old English Dark Red

Est. £4.41 - £4.90  + VAT
Redland Rosemary Half Round Ridge Dark Antique 95

Redland Rosemary Half Round Ridge Dark Antique 95

Est. £7.06 - £7.35  + VAT
Marley Third Round Hip Smooth Brown

Marley Third Round Hip Smooth Brown

Est. £4.68 - £5.20  + VAT
Redland Universal Angle Block End Ridge Slate Gy 30

Redland Universal Angle Block End Ridge Slate Gy 30

Est. £18.22 - £20.25  + VAT
Redland Concrete Half Round Baby Ridge - Tudor Brown 36

Redland Concrete Half Round Baby Ridge - Tudor Brown 36

Est. £4.28 - £4.75  + VAT
Marley Modern Mono Ridge Smooth Grey 28

Marley Modern Mono Ridge Smooth Grey 28

Est. £12.59 - £13.99  + VAT
Redland Half Round Block End Ridge Tudor Brown 36

Redland Half Round Block End Ridge Tudor Brown 36

Est. £24.47 - £27.19  + VAT


About Roofing Ridges

Crafted to ensure the highest level of protection and aesthetic appeal, these essential components are integral to any roof's structure. They serve as the finishing touch that not only completes the look but also secures the roof's integrity against the elements. With options that can be dry fixed or mortar bedded, there is flexibility in installation methods to suit various needs and preferences.

Available in a range of colours and styles, these items offer both functional and decorative benefits, enhancing the overall appearance of a building while providing robust weatherproofing. Constructed from durable materials, these components are designed to withstand the test of time and environmental challenges.

Whether you’re aiming for a traditional or modern look, these products cater to a wide array of architectural styles, making them a versatile choice for any project. Their adaptability and resilience make them a reliable choice for both new constructions and renovation projects.