Copper Solder Ring Pipe Cowl 15mm

SKU: 107934
Est. £7.93 - £8.81  + VAT
The 15mm Copper Solder Ring Pipe Cowl is a cost-effective and efficient solution for pressure relief termination. Easy to use, it involves a simple application of heat to the pre-soldered fixture for a neat, reliable joint. Ideal for economical tube joining.

Product Description

The 15mm Copper Solder Ring Pipe Cowl offers an efficient, simple, tidy, and cost-effective solution for pressure relief termination. This pre-soldered fixture is ready to use just with the application of heat. An ideal choice for a reliable, economic way of joining the tube. It provides a neat and single soldered joint for pressure relief termination.

Product Specification

BrandsWavin, Polypipe, Hep2O, John Guest, Speedfit, Geberit, Philmac, Fernco
Diameter (mm)15
Connection TypeSolder Ring