Fire Collar 110mm - 2 Hour

SKU: 116166
Est. £8.76 - £9.12  + VAT
The 110mm Fire Collar provides efficient fire safety protection in buildings. It utilizes a firestopping solution to protect plastic pipes crossing compartment walls and floors, effectively preventing fire spread. With a two-hour fire resistance rating, it ensures safety compliance and quality.

Product Description

The 110mm Fire Collar offers a straightforward and effective way to implement fire safety protection in buildings. It makes use of a firestopping solution designed to safeguard plastic pipes when they cross compartment walls and floors, effectively preventing the spread of fire. It promises a two-hour fire resistance rating, ensuring safety compliance and quality.

Product Specification

BrandsArmitage Shanks, Pegler, Polypipe, Rothenberger, Speedfit
MaterialMild Steel Zinc
Dimensions (metric)110mm
Pack TypeBagged