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Lightweight 10.4N Medium Density Block 140mm

Lightweight 10.4N Medium Density Block 140mm

SKU: 221406
Est. £3.51 - £3.59  + VAT
These are medium density aggregate blocks that can be used in a variety of different applications. Their performance makes them especially applicable where lower thermal conductivity or reduced weight is required in housing applications such as cavity walls, internal partitions, separating walls and beam & block flooring. They are not intended to be left fairfaced but used with a secondary finish.

Please note: if exact product specification is critical, please ensure offered alternative products meet your requirements.

Product Description

Aggregate blocks are available in a variety of densities, strengths, sizes and configurations to suit internal and external applications, above or below ground. Both the Dense and Lightweight aggregate blocks ranges are available in paint grade and background blocks with coursing units, which can be used in all situations where durable, robust blockwork is required. They offer excellent sound insulation, high compressive strength and high thermal mass.

Please note: if exact product specification is critical, please ensure offered alternative products meet your requirements. Concrete blocks are likely to vary or be rated in the following areas: - Weight, Finish, Compressive Strength (N/mm²), Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Internal & External, Dry Density (kg/m³), Sound Insulation (dB), Fire Resistance (Hours)/Grading

Product Specification

BrandsAggregate Industries Masterlite® Pro Standard, Build Bloc, CCP Modulite, Forterra Fenlite Background, Forterra Fenlite Background 1350, Lignacite Ash GP, Newcon, Plasmor Stranlite, Plasmor Stranlite, Tarmac Hemelite Standard, Thomas Armstrong Insulite
Length (mm)440
Height (mm)215
Thickness (mm)140
Compressive Strength (N/mm²)10.4
StyleLightweight Aggregate
Pack Weight (kg)18.4
ApplicationNew Housing, Extensions, Renovation, Beam & Block Flooring
Thermal Conductivity Internal (W/mK)0.45
Thermal Conductivity External (W/mK)0.48
Gross Dry Density (kg/m³)1350